DATE: Spring 2020
CITY: New York, NY, USA
SIZE: 9500 Sqft
TYPE: Office
Instead of overlapping many circles together to create light differences, this design intends to layer up different materials to create different transparency through different spaces. Therefore, people from different side will see different view. In order to maintain certain level of privacy for employees, solid material will be used for separated the public visually. The transparency level will increases as people walk toward the open work space.
The public and private group can interaction with each other in certain areas through shadows, reflections, and direct eye contact. It is mainly for reassuring the “inclusive” part but not interrupt with the “exclusive” part within this office space.
The Division for Inclusive Social Development is one of nine divisions that make up the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations. The DISD seeks to strengthen international cooperation for achieving social inclusion and the reduction of inequalities, by fostering effective policy impact and intensified global dialogue on social development issues. The Division is the main vehicle for promoting the social dimensions of the 2030 Agenda.
The main activities of DISD fall into 4 categories: Policy, Advocacy, Education, and Outreach
500 Park Ave:
This 1984 condominium apartment tower is one of the finest post-war designs in the city and the winner of a national award for its architect, James Stewart Polshek, from the AIA.. ts clean-cut, modern lines, incised windows and asymmetrical massing have been highly influential and the building is a rare example of a contextual design that complements a modern landmark
Color Palette & Materials